Thursday, 24 March 2011

Creating my Product-Magazine Avertisement

Magazine Advertisement
Basic Idea

For my Magazine advertisement, I want to include an image of the artist playing an instrument that was used in the song I have recorded. This instrument ("piano") has also been used originally in my music video and on the front cover of my album. I believe this will create a sence of continuity between my anchillary products. I would also like to use the "naive" album title that has been used in all my products so far. This is because not only do I believe that it will again create a sence of continuity between my products, yet also I want to create a kind of font related trademark that my artist will be recognised from. My inspiration for this came from viewing Blur's album cover where they have also done this with the font of the band's name. Finally I must iclude conventions that are used frequently in magazine advertisements. This includes the date of the album's release, what media products it is being released as e.g LP or CD delux, and if the album is available to download.
First attempt at magazine Advertisement Product

Editing Process
This is my first attempt at creating a Magazine Advertisement. I have edited the image in photo shop by changing the image into a black and white picture, then placing different coloured text boxes onto the paino keys. Next, I have inserted the album title then cropped and positioned it onto the centre of the image.
I have inserted the text concerning the album's release on top of the paino keys in my main image. After inserting my image into Microsoft Publisher, I have made the background of the document black, and added the band's name an website in a bold,red font.
Further Annotation
I have used an image of the artist playing an instrument,that was used in the song I have recorded, for my main image. I have used this as it reinforces, not only the continuity between my anchillarry products, yet also it reinforces the mystery based around who the artist/band is which is a consistant theme throughout my work.
 My original inspiration for this came from viewing the album cover of a genre related band(The drums) which also uses this on the front cover to inforce some kind of band related mystery. Which, as a result keeps the audience's interest more so than if there was none.For my main image, I have used a black and white image while also inserting coloured text boxes onto some keys. From this,not only is my magazine advertisement cositsatant with somke elements used in my album cover(the use of black and white images on the album back) yet also by using brightly coloured keys in my advertisement, it makes it more visually attractive and intriging.  I have used a red,bold text for the band's name. From this, the audience will be able to clearly read the text, yet the use of red text against a black background also makes the text clearer. I have also underlined the text to portray the importance of this to my magazine advertisement. Yet this use of red text is also consistant with the text that has been used throughout my anchillarry products.

Final Piece

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