Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Profile Of Target Audience.

From the results of my Questionaire I have quite a good idea of my target audience.

The age of my target is between the ages of 16-25. From this it is clear that the majority of my target audience are students.
What will this effect?
Because the majority of my target audience are mainly students, this will effect things such as the price of my productse.g the prce of the C.D.

The music genre I have chosen to represent is Indie/ Alternative. I have chosen to do this as the majority of the people who took part in my questionaire said that this was these were the music genres that they listened to most frequently. 
What will this effect?          
The genre I have chosen to represent will effect many aspects of my media product. For example because of the Indie/ Alternative genre I am representing I will have to incorparate elements from both the Indie/ Alternative culture such as fashion also and elements from similar existing products such as magazine advertisements and music videos.  From researching such things, it will give me a better understanding of the Indie/ Alternative "lifestyle" rather than using typical stereotypical stigma's throughout my products.                                                                                              
New Media
Because of new media devices such as the internet and mobile phone application which allow people to watch music videos and download C.D cover art and music online.
What will this effect? 
According to the results of my questionaire, this is the second most popular way of watching music videos. Because of this it means that the Music Video I create will be viewed by more people and more frequently. This is because such types of new media means that my target audience can access it wherever they are.

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